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Contribution title Validation of the Cranio Cervical Flexion Test using a new digital dynamometer.
Contribution code D3.009
  1. Daniele Lonati University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland
  2. Corrado Cescon University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland
  3. Alessandro Bonafine University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland
  4. Tiziano Negrisolo Fisioterapia Kinesis
  5. Emanuele Falzone Fisioterapia Residenza Castoro
  6. Samuel Pedrucci FisioRehab
  7. Erik Cattrysse Vrije Universiteit, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  8. Marco Barbero University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland Presenter
Form of presentation Poster
  • 1. Innovative models of care in musculoskeletal and manual physical therapy